By Klahanie
I have another ID question. This might be little harder. This plant (weed) appeared at edge of the lawn. I would iradicate it but it has an interesting large leaves full of spikes on the surface(not edges) I tried to google but could not find anything that resemble it.
There are so many experts in this gardening community and I know that someone will tell me what the name is. If not....I will be curious for ever :-)
Thanks in advance.

26 Aug, 2012
Seed weed of the first order though. Get one plant and soon you have a million.
26 Aug, 2012
Thank you Simbad for the ID and Owdboogy for the comment.
Now, that I know what it is I realized that I have seen them in dry flowers arrangements.
I do not want it to seed in that spot but will watch it to flower and then cut ot off .
Thanks again
27 Aug, 2012
Previous question
It's a teasel, a biennial, in its second year it will grow a flower spike a bit thistle like and if left over winter is a great food source for the birds who love the seeds, can get quite tall 4-5ft :-)
26 Aug, 2012