By Damian131
United Kingdom
Recently came across what appears to be a deciduous Fatzia? Identical structure. Very downy stems at the tips. Leaves 2 to 3 times the size of the evergreen Fatzia.
Anyone know its name as i would love to acquire a specimen.
Many thanks

27 Aug, 2012
I'd like to see another picture of the whole plant, preferably the right way up, lol! And a better picture of the leaves if possible. Exactly how tall is this plant? Does it have a woody base or trunk?
27 Aug, 2012
Good questions Bamboo. I have a couple of Fatsias and every year grow some ricinus from seed, it is certainly treated as an annual up here in Yorkshire. My fatsias are of course fine this year, even the one in the rather sunnier area than it likes, but the ricinus (I grow the red ones) are pretty rubbish. Sign of the weather. I have a couple of pictures of a ricinus from two years ago in my album on GOY for reference. Damian has done the regular thing and just said he is in the UK but no indication as to where so without more information I can't comment either.
27 Aug, 2012
Looks like Tetrapanax to me !!!
27 Aug, 2012
Thank you everyone for your replies so quickly done and a very special thank you to Andy Jeavon who answered with Tetrapanax. Dead right. In 30 years i have never encountered one, even as a reference and its great you guys are out there to fill in the gaps.
27 Aug, 2012
Ah, Tetrapanax. Another one for the list to buy!
27 Aug, 2012
We wrapped ours up over winter as it's in a windy site. It came through (very pale!) OK. It soon greened up, though!
29 Aug, 2012
It looks like Castor oil Plant (Ricinus communis perhaps), Fatsia japonica being the false castor oil plant.
They are not very hardy in the UK so are sold as annuals, but they are perennial in very sheltered spots in the UK.
27 Aug, 2012