By Teegee
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Anyone know what this shrub is?
It is another one of my 'lost label' plants!
The first one is of the plant ( the one in the foreground)
The 2nd is the non descript flower and the 3rd is the leaf.

28 Aug, 2012
Thanks for that Andy!
Now that you have pointed me in the right direction I have 'googled' for more images and they seem to confirm your suggestion!
Thing is; I don't know how I come to have it?
The only thing I can think of is; most years I buy seeds from the RHS and some of these can be quite exotic,
( to me that is)
I have checked their recent lists, and it is on them so it is a possibility!
Perhaps it got into a seed packet from them, or has been mislabelled.
Wherever it come I don't mind as I like the leaf shape and colouring and should make an outstanding plant when it matures!
So thanks again.
28 Aug, 2012
I have a dozen that i planted last year so they will take a while to grow. I saw some at Wisley on sunday and they looked awesome.
For what it's worth, i tried growing Cimifuga racemosa....very very simila to Actea...from seed and they were a nightmare. They need to be kept on wet blotting paper until they chit and god knows what else. They didn't grow !!!! ot saying yours hasn't been grown from seed.....anything's possible in gardening !!!!
28 Aug, 2012
my guess would be Actea simplex or A. racemosa. They're pretty poisonous but please confirm the ID before putting it in hubby/wife's dinner or throwing it away.
My ones....A. racemosa 'brunette' has almost black leaves and the flowers can get to 6-8 feet tall. Lovely, impressive plant.
28 Aug, 2012