By Tudorbj
United Kingdom
I have a Nectarine bush/shrub which is looking very nice at the moment but for the past two years in late autumn and spring time it develops crinkly leaf and hince the blossem fails and then no fruit. Question is what can I do about it, it is a fine looking shrub right now about 4ft tall and about 4ft wide. the first year it gave lots of fruit.
29 Aug, 2012
The problem is Peach leaf curl, to help prevent this spray with a fungacide in November after leaf fall and again in Feb, make sure the fungacide can be used on edible crops, hope this helps.
29 Aug, 2012
Previous question
Hallo. I had the same problem with my nectarine bush this year...crinckly leaves and no blosom....last year I had loads of blossom and a few nectarines...I will be interested in the answers you get.
29 Aug, 2012