By Johnturner
United Kingdom
i feel guilty about only using your forum just when it suits me, but i am not good with computers. you have given me good advice with my potatoes in bags, but they grew very big tops and small yield can i reverse this.?
( thank you for your past advice john
On plant
i grow my potatoes in bags, but the actual potatoe is in the ground. i place the bag over the potatoe and fill it with a mixture of compost, soil and a few chicken pellets. at first i filled the bags to the top and was advised to reduce this by half whic
29 Aug, 2012
Don't feel guilty. We all use the site in our own way ...
29 Aug, 2012
I know what you mean about feeling guilty John. I hardly ever comment on a question and as for answering questions, well I'm just not knowledgeable enough! But I've been here since 2008 and everyone has been so helpful and kind and never judge me for being a relatively silent member, not silent when i ask a question of course.
So don't feel bad, tap in to the expertise on GOY and know that the experts and others enjoy helping us not so expert gardeners.
30 Aug, 2012
Quote; they grew very big tops and small yield
This sound like a 'feeding' problem to me!
Can you describe what you have done this year in terms of Type of compost used,Watering and feeding regime!
Then once we have seen where you have been we might be able to guide you differently!
By the way! Do not feel guilty thats what this forum is about!...helping others where and when we can!
29 Aug, 2012