By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
ID Please.....
I have forgotten the plants name, was only small when I put it in LOL I was also wondering it is possible to dig it up and move it or does the root system get too big?
xx Jackie xx

29 Aug, 2012
Looks like a Phormium but not sure, think you can split them and move them, but if it is a phormium you need to check it out on the internet unless anyone else comes up with any ideas Jackie.
29 Aug, 2012
It's a pity that the photo cuts off the top of that brownish stem sticking right up with some kind of flowering going on - looks like grass flowers rather than Phormium. Any chance of a shot showing that as well, assuming it is, as it seems to be, coming from this plant?
29 Aug, 2012
It's definitely a Phormium. Good luck with digging it up!! Hope you are strong!
29 Aug, 2012
Thanks for the ID, Yes it is a Phormium, I remember now :o)
Bamboo. It has finished flowering now, love it when the deep yellow flowers form, that is the seed heads that are left.
Sounds like it will be staying where it is, will just have to work round it, My Brov Steuart has a midi digger but lives in Exeter where he is a builder, wish he would visit us again and bring it with him but he is busy building a retaining wall at the moment, could do with the digger to dig up a flippin Bamboo, Oh! I don't mean you Bamboo LOL.
I will add a Blog, to show the start of my New Project, no stopping me LOL :o)
30 Aug, 2012
Ah yes, well, I subconsciously chose the name Bamboo for a very good reason - unshiftable by outside forces, lol! Phormiums, as you've discovered, spread out through the ground - might be wise to try to dig up a clump at least to reduce it a bit, but otherwise it should be dug out, split, and a section replanted. Or potted, in fact, they do well in deeper pots. Best done in spring. It'll only get bigger year on year, and harder to dig out...
30 Aug, 2012
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29 Aug, 2012