By Barbara156
United Kingdom
I have had my wisteria sinensis for appox 15 years and it's always been beautiful, but this spring it wasn't looking so heathy,It still flowered but not so abundant. The leaves turned yellow and fell off. Now however it almost looks dead. We live in the Midlands of uk, on a hill so it's well drained facing south east. I know we have had tuns of rain this year but it's by the house wall and quite protected, has anyone any idea's what's wrong with it after all this time and will it recover? I'd love to here if other people have had the same problem and what happened next. Thank you Barbara
On plant
wisteria sinensis
29 Aug, 2012
Is it grafted? If you look down at where the plant meets the soil then up a few inches you might see where the Wisteria is cut into the root stock. Am wondering if the graft is failing.
29 Aug, 2012