By Worksafe
United Kingdom
Has anyone had any success growing potatoes now for Christmas, with all the summer rain we've had I think shop bought veg will be expensive this year
31 Aug, 2012
I've tried to do this several times but the main problem is always with late blight, even in the greenhouse or polytunnel. In theory it should work, but I suspect you should be prepared to spray the foliage with something like Bordeaux mixture to ensure the blight is held at bay. I hope you appreciate that you should be attempting this with EARLY varieties, even though this seems counter intuitive, as you want something that will mature relatively quickly despite the days getting shorter.
1 Sep, 2012
Last year I grew these conditioned early potatoes in potato sacks which were alright for a while but surcummed to the dreaded blight. If you want new potatoes for Christmas, why not try the old method of burring some new potatoes in a large tin in dry peat in the garden and digging them up around Christmas time?
2 Sep, 2012
I've bought some grow sacks, I'll start them off outside then move them into the greenhouse in a couple of weeks after the greenhouse clean down, hopefully if I spray for blight we'll have a feed for Christmas, I'll keep you posted on my blog, if it does work I'll try for another crop before spring
Many Thanks
2 Sep, 2012
Not yet, Worksafe, but hoping! I bought and planted some on 15 August that are growing nicely in bags. Allegedly they can be grown in the open ground but I am frightened of frosts - the bags can be taken into the greenhouse before the frosts start.
1 Sep, 2012