If my neighbour has bushes which over hang my garden whose responsibility are they?
By Shellymum
United Kingdom
My neighbour has several bushes which he does not maintain, can you please tell me whose reponsibility it is to keep them trimmed
- 15 Jun, 2009
We live in a local council house and previously had a private rent, we have to keep our garden tidy (and well maintained on the private rent)as it says in our contract on both, I cant think that it says anything about what hangs over from neighbours, my mother in law has large hedges and trees on both neighbours she just hacks off the bits she doesnt want and on one side she throws it back over ( they dont get on) the other side she takes it away herself.
Just chop off what annoys you, do what Bamboo says have a word (if you get on)
x x x
16 Jun, 2009
Previous question
Well technically it's his, but I don't think there's any legal requirement for him to do it. You could speak to the local council to find out if there's anything in the bye laws - if he lives in a housing association place, or a rented one, there might be something in the lease which says he must keep it tidy.
You do, though, have the legal right to trim off anything overhanging your garden (but only to the boundary between your properties, not over their side) and anything you cut off is your neighbour's property. If you want to be tactful, you could ask him if he wants the cuttings you've removed before you dispose of them! That's what I usually do, and they always say no, but sometimes it makes them actually cut it themselves later on, sometimes not.
15 Jun, 2009