I have a London Pride in my garden, which my mum gave me, it is a shocking pink colour and I have not been able to find another the same colour. Can anyone help.
By Acooke
United Kingdom
My plant has low growing leaves that are close to the ground and tinged with yellow veins with shocking pink flower stems
On plant
Saxifraga x urbium
- 16 Jun, 2009
Can you try posting a photo of your flowers on here, in case there's been a label mix-up or something?
Could there b different types of S. urbum do you think?
At the bottom of this page I can see Andrewr and Wagger are two other members on GOY who must have the plant. Does it look just like yours? You could try sending either of them a message in case they've not spotted your question. Good luck with your hunting.
21 Jun, 2009