By Bertiefox
Maine et Loire,
Identification of greenhouse plant from unknown seed. This came from a packet of mixed seeds from Chilterns. I think the seed was quite large and at first I thought it might be a Ricinus but now I don't think so as it doesn't look like others I've grown. The stem is covered with lots of tiny hairs and the leaves look more like a Papaya than anything else, but it's not that! You guys are usually good in at least pointing me in the right direction, so any suggestions would be very welcome!

9 Sep, 2012
Thanks for the suggestion, Dgw, from looking at the Google 'images' for Tetrapanax it looks like you may very well be right.
But as you say I will have to wait a bit until it grows a bit bigger and does something. I shall have to find a way of keeping it warm through the winter!
I also notice that Chilterns do indeed sell seed of Fatsia papyrifera (Tetrapanax) so it could easily have found its way into one of their 'mixed greenhouse' seed packets!
9 Sep, 2012
It actually looks like a seedling of Jatropha gossypiifolia. They grow wild in my yard here in San Diego, CA.
23 Aug, 2017
Previous question
Tetrapanax seedling? hard to tell until the leaves have matured.
9 Sep, 2012