United Kingdom
Hello again, i was wondering if anyon could telll me the proper care for my astilbe, its gotten anout 4/5 inchs high now and was wondering what the proper care should be, also, how big/wide does it get, all it said on pack thing was astilbe pink, thanks again all
17 Jun, 2009
my astilbes are in the damper ground next to the pond overflow. moist but good drainage. as apposed to boggy all the time.
17 Jun, 2009
Astilbes I find are very thirsty plants hun.(my personal opinion)
I have an astilbe Chinensis "Vision in pink" which is now flowering and very pretty
(also is my profile picture)
here are some details for you
Soil Preference: This plant tolerates occasional wetness and will grow in moist soils but prefers a soil that is well-drained or loamy. The pH preference of this plant is slightly acidic to neutral (7.0)
Light Requirements: Full Shade to Full Sun
Attributes: Attracts butterflies, cut flowers, dried flowers
Pests: Aphids, Japanese beetles, Red Spider Mites, Slugs and Snails
Diseases: Bacterial blight, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Spot and Wilt
Care: Cut back the dead foliage in spring and dead-head blooms after flowering. Propagation is from division and can be done in the fall or spring.
Fertilize with Plant-tone approximately April 1st, May 20th, July 4th, & October 30th. Or, fertilize with slow-releasing Osmocote every 3-4 months. Keep granular fertilizers off foliage and away from stems and trunks. Use 1/2 the recommended rate of fertilizer for new plantings.
Planting Instructions: Perennials
this is the web page I got the info from it has details about loads of different varieties
x x x
17 Jun, 2009