Planting tomatoes out
United Kingdom
Morning again all,i have loads of tomatoes and ive weathered them now and want to plant them out, i can only afford so many grow bags and was wodering if they would grow ok without damaging my lawn if i planted them around my garden but actually in the lawn, its the only place i got any space left,thanks for any help
17 Jun, 2009
Hi Rich - grass produces a very vigorous root system - that's why we can walk on it without damaging the ground much. You would need to dig up a patch of grass AT LEAST a foot across so that the grass roots are not competing with the tom roots for water and nutrients. This would cause you a headache when you come to cut the lawn too. If I were you, I'd sacrifice a chunk of lawn, dig it over thoroughly and plant the toms into that, rather than planting them into the lawn direct.
BTW I got my grow bags from Wyevale about a month ago and they were on offer....think it worked about at about £1.50 per bag. Don't know whether the offer is still on tho.
17 Jun, 2009
I wouldnt think you would suffer any more from pests or disease by them being outside. Any cover especially in hot weather can trap air and cause mildew or blight.
17 Jun, 2009
thank you all, i think i might just try and get a bulk lot of grow bags, think ive only got about 40/50 tom plants left so should be able to sort something if i have four to a bag
17 Jun, 2009
40 - 50 !!!!! :-O Are you planning on launching your own brand of tom ketchup or s'thing?! LOL Joking aside, if they are in a decent condition, you could just take them along to a carboot sale (that's how I sell lots of my plants). Better to find them new homes than cram them in and end up with a lot of waste toms I would think...... You should get more than 20 toms per plant remember!
17 Jun, 2009
youve def been busy
my goodness do you ever sleep?
Im struggling with my 4 tom plants
what a fab idear to sell the Sid
that will help towards growbags for the ones you keep
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
Sell the Sid? NNNNOOOOooooooo!!!!!!! x-D
17 Jun, 2009
cant sell them,would feel like selling my kids, ive grown them from seed and feels like there my babies,i did have some given to me and gave them away, saying that i did give about 40 of the ones i grew away, seems a mistake a lot of people ive met have made, planting the whole pack not expecting many to work,ill use them all up somehow, might end up being put off toms but oh well, its a risk ill take
17 Jun, 2009
NO NO NO didnt mean sell Sid I missed the "M" off... sorry Sid :o(
I know what you mean Future.... I have around 50 odd pepper seedlings and about 30 ish chilli seedlings they are all my girls and boys
love them all but hubby says someone have to go
so I packed his bags hehehe
only kidding
anyone want any ?
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
he he he ... don't worry Mookins I know what you meant ;-) and anyway, no one would ever buy me lol
Just been totting it up on my fingers and I recon Fgg is going to have to get through s'thing like 1000 tomatos.....that's not gardening - THAT'S AGRICULTURE!!! LOL
17 Jun, 2009
Toms are good for you... although Im sure if you ate enough you would turn red!!
LOL did you ever intend on being a tomato farmer futureg?
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
lol, maybe could see what the record is for most tomas eaten at one sitting lol, hmmm, chillis and peppers sounds interesting, do they take up much room whilst growing,if offers there id deffo take some off your hands, once ive got my tomatoe garden set up ill show pics, ive got plans for them now and theyll be outdoors but nearly completely covered with a polyphene sheeting,i know next year not to plant so many,unless im short of money and wanna sell some lol,thanks for all the advice and general chat
17 Jun, 2009
ooh brilliant as soon as they are big enough to transport Il see if you are still interested and have some sent down/up/accross to you
(sorry no good at directions)
Look forward to the pics
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
yeah ill deffo be interested, just asked my fiance and shes agreed, she said we'll pay the postage on them :-) thank you kindly
17 Jun, 2009
I cant see any probs with them being in the lawn aslong as you prepared the spaces first
digging out patches feeding the ground, I presume they would need extra protection as there are probably more little critters about in the open so perhaps the ring at the bottom to protest the root area and the covers over the whole plant maybe to protect from wind/birds etc
I hope Im right
how great that youve used up so much space
x x x
17 Jun, 2009