By Pauli1968
East Sussex, United Kingdom
Can anybody tell me if the red pulp from my passion fruit is edable? The flowers are violet and the ripe fruit is yellow. Cheers Paul
- 10 Sep, 2012
Thank you Bamboo. How can I tell which passiflora they are? I've eaten them for the last two days, I've just mixed with natural yoghut. I did read though that depending on which Passion Fruit they are, they could be deadly, but delayed deadly! I thought I'd double/triple check before gobbling them all up.
10 Sep, 2012
I take it the plant is a climbing vine - when it flowered, what were the flowers like? Google Passiflora caerulea for pics of the flowers for ID
10 Sep, 2012
Thank you, Wikipedia confirms that they are Passiflora Caerulea. They are edible. It also states you can make tea from the leaves! Relieves stress and anxiety.
10 Sep, 2012
Should relieve your stress and anxiety about poisoning yourself accidentally lol.
10 Sep, 2012
Lol, Cammomile..
10 Sep, 2012
10 Sep, 2012
Almost all passion fruit are edible though some are reputed to contain small amounts of toxin which makes them disagreeable. I have eaten small amounts of a tiny blue berried passion fruit called Passiflora viridiana without bad effects (tasted awful) but the dog loves them!
If you want to eat them, do have a go at growing P. edulis, which will withstand a touch of frost and could be made to succeed in a sheltered corner in East Sussex. These are fab fruit and I just love the taste. You know when they are ripe as they just fall off the vine when ready.
11 Sep, 2012
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If its Passiflora caerulea, the fruits are edible, but not very tasty. If its Passiflora edulis, most of those are edible, but not all.
10 Sep, 2012