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this plant has suddenly this year appeared in my garden

United Kingdom

I attach a picture for more information on this exotic looking plant many thanks jackie



What you have here is a Dragon Arum and I've seen them in gardening catalogues for ridiculous prices. Lucky you!

17 Jun, 2009


is it part of the Lily family perhaps, Looks quite similar, also looks a bit like "Lords and laidies" but wrong colour I think

its magnificent

but something keeps popping in my head about Elephants?

x x x

17 Jun, 2009


LOL elephants are quite similar to Dragons hehe was on the right path though with the Arum family

lucky you indeed

x x x

17 Jun, 2009


Yes, Mookins, it is related to Lords and Ladies which is the common wild Arum. Perhaps it's because the spathe looks like an elephant's trunk?

17 Jun, 2009


reminds me of a unicorn :-)

17 Jun, 2009


LOL or that advert for Budweiser
"wass uuuuuuuuup"


"spathe" thats a good word
will right that down
x x x
x x x

17 Jun, 2009


can see this turning rude lol

17 Jun, 2009


I wasnt going to say anything else

typical men, always thinking the worst !!


x x

18 Jun, 2009


Does have a slight dead person smell too- i assume as never smelt a dead person!

18 Jun, 2009


thats odd... is it like gone off meat smell?
thats quite similar.... presumably!!

x x x

18 Jun, 2009


hmmm,dead person smell,strangem bit like when people say something tastes like poo yet would never have tried it, looks nice though, maybe mask the smell with other scented plants around it

18 Jun, 2009


strange how somwthing so wow factor could smell so bad

x x x

18 Jun, 2009


Not much would mask the smell made by this!

21 Jun, 2009


really... how about the best plant to put near a composter
then the smells can compete with eqach other

wonder why its a stinker

its very pretty

x x x

21 Jun, 2009

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