Romneya Coulteri
By 1stdawn
United Kingdom
I recently planted the above plant back in the autumn, I watched eagerly every day as spring approaced and it was doing really well, but then it suddenly went very yellow, now it could be that my dog pissed on it, but then I started to think maybe it needs a feed as I haven't noticed my dog taking any interest in it. Does anyone know if the above are hungry feeders? ps I absolutely love, love this plant!
18 Jun, 2009
We have planted this in lots of different places in this garden and all of them have died. We are told that it is very hard to get establsihed.
18 Jun, 2009
I've looked it up - it's not specially prone to disease, likes freedraining soil, sun and loathes root disturbance, and isn't specially desperate for food. You don't say whether it's in the ground or in a pot - the dog cocking his leg wouldn't be good for it, if it's in a pot, is there drainage? If its in the ground, has anything disturbed the soil around its roots? You could try feeding it with a general purpose feed, if none of the above applies.
18 Jun, 2009