One dry day
By rain4nights
Yesterday was the only dry day we’re expecting for the rest of the week, weekend and most of next week. When it hasn’t been raining, it has been hot and humid as a Louisiana swamp. I’m not sure my Yukon Golds are enjoying this – their end of the bed is a little soggier. The German Butterballs seem to be fine though.
I took advantage of the one dry day this week to plant some bareroot plants. My two Concord Grapes and 3 Black Raspberry brambles came in and I made a home for them.
One grape went near the deck where I dug out a Juniper. This is a personal gardening prejudice. I don’t like juniper. Maybe some day when I have more land I will enjoy it’s ability to fill up space. But right now, it is a space hog taking up a prime piece of real-estate. So out it goes. I feel a little bad in a strange way. I’m sure whoever put it there thought it was lovely, and hoped it would prosper and add value to the property. I value food production over “mere” ornaments ;) Also, I get a rash from Juniper… that’s my other rationale for removing the hapless plant. All the rationalizing just shows my lingering feelings of guilt.
13 Jun, 2008
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It's not worth feeling guilty about. It's just not your thing. Imagine all the enjoyment you'll get from what YOU planted there!
14 Jun, 2008
Loved reading this, rain4nights! Made me chuckle out loud for ages! Have you got beyond the guilt phase now?
15 Jun, 2008
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Sometimes it just seems to rain for ever and you have to grab at each dry moment you can, and everything is soggy then. Perhaps you'll get some better weather soon. I hope you do. If the juniper gives you a rash - get rid and don't feel guilty.
14 Jun, 2008