Project: derelict garden!
By rebecca
After purchasing a property back in October 07 and giving birth to a beautiful baby boy back in December we were relieved to find out the house was finally ready for habitants mid April. We were so happy to have our own space (as i’m sure my mum was happy to have her space too) and to unpack the boxes but we hadn’t really had the oppurtunity to plan what was going to happen to the two gardens.
So over the last week we have started to ‘plan’ what to do with them.
the front is going to be for the car and a small lawn with a border. the back garden is going to be a veggy patch and a play area for the little one-not the best combination but we are hoping a mini fence will stop any accidents.
We are moving the shed from the back garden and hopefully getting a garage put on the side of the house which will also act as a barrier from the outside world and the back garden-security for little one when playing in the back.
never done anything like this, even used to struggle with cactus! Fingers crossed…
20 Jun, 2008
Enjoy your little one - they don't stay little for long! My 'baby' is 6'3" and rests his elbow on my head!!!! You will have great fun planning the garden and it will be a great pleasure to you all when it all comes together. Good luck! Keep us updated with your progress.
20 Jun, 2008
Congraulations i think is in order, spritz your right they do grow up to quick, my eldest is 44 in sept, does'nt seem two mins since i had him,so rebecca enjoy every second, good luck with the garden.
20 Jun, 2008
Your plans sound great. Enjoy your baby and your garden. The others are right, time flies. My babies tower over me too. Hope you have room for a few flowers as well.
20 Jun, 2008
Good luck, you'll be starting from scratch like me :)
Congrats on your little boy too
21 Jun, 2008
Congratualtions on the birth of your little boy enjoy every moment with him because they soon grow up.I wish you luck with the garden.
21 Jun, 2008
Congratulations on becoming the proud parent of your baby boy!
He must be about six months old now, so you are well aware of how quickly they grow and become more independent with each passing day ..... it won't be long before he's able to move independently and get into all sorts :-) You are very wise to plan and implement measures to ensure the garden is a safe and secure place for him, and you, to enjoy before he find his own feet :-D
When my youngsters were small we lived in a house with a covered patio which was a great boon ..... they were able to enjoy being outside in the fresh air whatever the weather ( and when we were elsewhere I could hang the washing outside without fear of it getting any wetter).
21 Jun, 2008
congratulations on having a wonderful little boy , and good luck with the plans for your new garden , it will all come together in the end , take your time ,the fun is in the making
20 Jun, 2008