mystrey tree
By robertoplus
thanks LINCSLASS your comment seems to be the most appropiate i do have a plum tree on a dwarf root stock growing about three feet away,i will keep this shoot a while longer and see what developes.I do envy your photgraphy and flower growing skills love it
12 Jun, 2013
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Previous post: what type of tree is this
Thanks again Lincslass,noted your advice but i am so reluctant to dig this shoot out i have watched it grow for the last 18 months and so far it is the only one and it looks so perfect one more Summer i think
I too have a digital camera but i am still so much a novice as i am with the laptop,i still have difficulty uploading photos because i always have the wrong size but i seem to get there the long way round.Keep trying so watch this space
14 Jun, 2013
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Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
You are welcome Robert, it will be interesting to see what becomes of it but don't leave it too long before deciding if its a rogue sucker,they can be beggars and likely to sprout all over once started, you don't want suckers all over the place ....
Nothing skillful Robert, the garden is a labour of love and the photography is the result of digital camera, take lots of pics on different settings and choose the best ones, lol....
13 Jun, 2013