Seedstarter's Profile

About me
Seedstarterblikes to garden but didn't have much success last summer. I had about 25 tomatoes plants, green beans and sweet corn. The raccoons ate the corn and some blite ruined my tomato plants in my garden but the four tomato plants by my driveway were good and big. They weighed in at 11 ounces and were 4 inches across and about 1 and one half inches in depth.
The raccoons also ate two whole tomatoes and part of the third one-they left it in the driveway and came back later and finished it off. My green beans had spots on them and my onions I put out as sets were very small.
At least I got exercise and the animals had a feast.
I might put my tomatoes in containers again. The did very well when I had 26 tomato plants in 5 gallon containers on my deck. Couldn't use the grill but had tomatoes.
This year I'm trying out some new plants I started from seed. Baby Blue Eyes, pink hibiscus, nasturiums, marigolds(I saved seeds from last years flowers),asters
and early sunrise flowers. Granny Bonnett is a new one for me. Also my english daisy plants are doing better than the Granny Bonnett, It is slow in growing
I'm anxious to see what the 5 spot flower is going to do. Never tried this one before. All my plants I start from seeds.
Besides gardening I like being with my two cats who are 16 years old-Boots and his father Carmel who is 21 years old and is a orange tabby.They are the only ones left out of the 21 cats, 3 dogs, a rabbit, a hamster and a corn snake. It was like we had our own Pet Refuge. All dumped
or strays. Sucker for any animals that need a home.
I've been married for 29 years come this June . Second time for me and my husband. Total of six children-I had 2-he had 3 and we had two together. Ages range from 22 to 40.
Please reply-sometimes its lonely since my husband is back in school and has to study a lot.
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Joined in Mar 2009
Country: United States
State: Osceola, Indiana