Segolily's Profile

About me
I live in Utah, USA in Little Cottonwood Canyon. We are the avalanche capitol of the world. After a snowstorm the guns go off to bring down the unstable snow. Several people die yearly skiing "out of bounds" and get caught in avalanches.
My name "Sego Lily" is that of the Utah state flower. It is a secretive little thing that grows under the gamble oak on southern exposure hillsides, so is a hardy little flower.
Little Cottonwood Canyon is home to Albion Basin where July brings an explosion of world famous alpine foliage featuring lupine, Indian paintbrush, monkshood, penstemmon and much much more. Once, many years ago, the great Russian novelist Vladimir Nabakov made a journey to Utah to view a rare butterfly in Albion Basin. If you are lucky while up there you will see a moose and her calf feeding in the meadows.
I'm lower in the canyon and tend my alpine garden April through October. I manage a few herbs such as sage, horehound, peppermint and lots of varieties of thyme. Daisies do beautifully here, as do blanketflower, coneflower, scabiosa, Joe Pye Weed (valerian), dames rocket, bearded iris (which the Mormons call "flags")California poppy, santolina, sagebrush, and all sedums.
Remember, Life Began in a Garden!
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Joined in Jan 2012
Country: United States
State: Utah