Shannonbrewer's Profile

About me
I'm a gardener by summer, a quilter and knitter by winter (which is most of the year in Michigan, unfortunately). My oldest boy, the Stinkerpootis, is just getting to be old enough to "help" in the gardens. When I'm lucky, he waters my plants for me. When I'm not, he sprays everything but the plants, including himself and me. My youngest son, who is shown in the picture with me (and known around here as the Nutta) loves the garden. Unfortunately, he tries to eat everything he can get his hands on, and I think many of my plants are poisonous (aren't lilies among the poisonous common garden varieties??). So for now he's sequestered in the stroller most of the time.
Anyone in the Detroit Metro area who is looking to exchange hostas and other shade plants - send me a note!!!
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Joined in Aug 2008
Country: United States