Cabbage Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs > Cabbage
We have found 43 cabbage seeds & bulbs from 43 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £7.96.
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Cabbage January King 3 SeedsVery hardy and completely reliable whatever the weather January King has been a firm favourite fo... |
Cabbage Greyhound SeedsA favourite early cabbage, with pointed heads of excellent flavour. Sow under glass early Februar... |
Cabbage Ormskirk Late Seeds (Winter)A reliably hard savoy with typically crinkled leaves. Ormskirk Late has a fine flavour and is gre... |
Cabbage Holland Winter White Seeds (Autumn)The large solid white heads of this Dutch favourite will store for many weeks in a cool airy envi... |
Cabbage Winnigstadt SeedsAn excellent selection from an old favourite producing solid extra pointed hearts and few outer l... |
Cabbage Primo Seeds (Summer)Primo is a splendid cabbage for mid summer cropping.The round medium sized heads are produced on ... |
Cabbage Greyhound Seeds (Summer)This early summer pointed cabbage can be successionally sown to give delicious green hearts for m... |
Cabbage Durham Early Seeds (Spring)One of the earliest and best spring cabbages.Durham Early produces large solid heads of excellent... |
Sprouting Seed Red CabbageAdd colour and style to salads with these delicious red cabbage shoots. As easy to grow as cress ... |
Cabbage Golden Acre Primo (11) SeedsAn easy to grow cabbage that produces medium-sized, firm round heads maturing in summer and early... |
Cabbage Wheelers Imperial SeedsDark green compact heads for use in April and early May, and in autumn. Spring maturing (36 weeks... |
Cabbage (Savoy) Ormskirk (1) Rearguard SeedsOrmskirk 1 is a classic, tasty Savoy cabbage producing medium-sized round heads. Very hardy, it's... |
Cabbage Red Drumhead SeedsSolid, dark red, round heads of fine texture, excellent for pickling and for speciality cooked di... |
Cabbage April SeedsCompact, uniform habit, and small to medium-sized dark green pointed heads which mature early. Id... |
Cabbage January King 3 SeedsJanuary King 3 is a hardy drumhead cabbage with matures from December. Easy to grow, it's perfect... |
Savoy Cabbage 'Invernale Mantovano' (Cabbage Savoy)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil <br/> Rate of growth:average <... |
Cabbage Ruby PerfectionSolid red heads are produced on these neat plants. Good heat and cold tolerance and ideal for s... |
Cabbage Spring Hero Seeds (Spring)Unusual for a spring cabbage Spring Hero is a ballhead rather than a pointed type.It produces lar... |
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Cabbage Savoy 'January King 3' X 500 SeedsAn old favourite with superb flavour. Reliable cropper and stands well in all conditions. This va... |
Cabbage F1 Candisa SeedsA really reliable, sweet tasting cabbage, with a good internal structure and short core (which me... |
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