Cauliflower Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs > Cauliflower
We have found 18 cauliflower seeds & bulbs from 18 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £4.55.
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Cauliflower All Year Round SeedsThis popular variety produces large well protected curds in early Autumn. Tasty whether steamed o... |
Cauliflower Seeds All The Year RoundWhite, well-protected large curds, popular for summer shows, for freezing, and straight from the ... |
Cauliflower Romanesco Early SeedsA superb alternative to white cauliflower, with attractive florets in an unusual lime-green colou... |
Cauliflower Snowball A SeedsSnowball produces cauliflower heads in late June from a greenhouse sowing in January. Well tried ... |
Cauliflower Igloo SeedsA versatile early cauliflower. Grow it at close spacing for a quick crop of delicious mini heads ... |
Cauliflower Aalsmeer SeedsWill Stand Outdoors All Winter with No Protection At All! Aalsmeer is a frost hardy over-winteri... |
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Cauliflower All Year Round Hybrid X 200 SeedsPerfect for the Grow Your Own generation! Grow your very own Cauliflowers from seed. Vigorous, q... |
Cauliflower Seeds F1 Purple GraffitiA quick-maturing cauliflower with a long harvest season. Use the unique purple curds raw, steamed... |
Cauliflower Galleon SeedsThis superb cauliflower for overwinter production (maturing April-May) produces quality white hea... |
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Cauliflower All Year Round 500 SeedsA good all year round cauliflowerA good all year round cauliflower. a gardeners favourite and a t... |
Cauliflower Clapton Seeds (Gro Sure)The First Cauliflower with Clubroot Resistance! It produces excellent flavoured quality uniform l... |
Cauliflower F1 Clapton SeedsAn exceptional autumn cauliflower producing fine white curds that are well protected by leaves, a... |
Cauliflower F1 Concept SeedsAn excellent cauliflower, which produces dense, solid curds containing a neat arrangement of tast... |
Cauliflower Graffiti Seeds (Gro Sure)Produces well coloured heads for cropping July-October. The unique purple curds can be eaten raw ... |
Cauliflower Clarify Seeds (Gro Sure)This variety gives excellent resistance to clubroot and its erect growth means it takes up less s... |
Cauliflower Clemen Seeds (Gro Sure)A leading variety Clemen is a consistent vigorous variety that has a well protected curd and prod... |
Cauliflower Raleigh Seeds (Gro Sure)An early cropping with a long harvest period cauliflower Raleigh earns its place in the vegetable... |
Cauliflower Seeds All The Year RoundWhite, well-protected large curds, popular for summer shows, for freezing, and straight from the ... |
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