Pea Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs > Pea
We have found 27 pea seeds & bulbs from 27 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.89 to the most expensive at £5.49.
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Asparagus Pea SeedsWe admit it - it's not asparagus and it's not a pea but it's rather tasty! This unusual vegetabl... |
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Pea 'Ambassador' X 325 SeedsLarge crops of tasty plump peas, an improved 'onward' type. Resistant to Powdery Mildew ... |
Pea Ambassador SeedsUse fresh or frozen, this 'Onward' type pea is high in vitamin C and tastes delicious! Vigorous, ... |
Pea Avola SeedsAn outstanding pea, with excellent colour and flavour, producing up to 8 peas to each pod. Modera... |
Pea Ceresa (Petit Pois Type) SeedsBecause this pea is semi-leafless, picking is much easier, plus its many tendrils make it almost ... |
Pea Delikata (Mangetout) SeedsAt last a mangetout pea which produces a delicious crop of conventional peas even when the pods a... |
Pea Delikett SeedsDelikett is a very heavy cropping sugar (or 'snow') pea which produces masses of stringless pods ... |
Pea Douce Provence SeedsThis very sweet and succulent pea is also extremely versatile. It can be sown as an over-winteri... |
Pea Early Onward SeedsA heavy crop of pods in pairs about 10 days earlier than Onward. Very popular. RHS Award of Garde... |
Pea Early Onward SeedsCropping up to two weeks earlier than our famous Onward this variety has all the same qualities. ... |
Pea Hurst Green Shaft SeedsA splendidly reliable maincrop variety giving up to 10 peas per pod.Greenshaft also has an except... |
Pea Hurst Greenshaft SeedsMedium green pointed pods in pairs, each containing 9-11 peas. Resistant to downy mildew and Fusa... |
Pea Kelvedon Wonder SeedsThe most popular dwarf variety for spring sowing and very good for summer sowing to produce a lat... |
Pea Kelvedon Wonder SeedsThin-shelled pointed, narrow pods in pairs. Heavy yielding, and of fine flavour, it is also resis... |
Pea Little Marvel SeedsHeavy crop of pods in pairs. Excellent under cloches, and used as substitute for Petit Pois. RHS ... |
Pea Onward SeedsVery widely grown in all areas. Heavy crop of blunt-ended pods in pairs containing plump peas. Ex... |
Pea Onward SeedsWe are proud to have bred Onward - probably the best loved and most widely grown pea in the world... |
Pea Oregon Sugar Pod SeedsA superb Sugar Pea with long slightly curved fleshy pods which should be gathered young and cooke... |
Pea Peawee 65 SeedsProducing 2-3 pods per node and 9-10 peas per pod, this outstanding pea will provide you with a b... |
Pea Seed CollectionWhen it comes to taste there is nothing to beat peas fresh from the garden - straight from the po... |
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