Pepper Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs > Pepper
We have found 12 pepper seeds & bulbs from 12 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.29 to the most expensive at £2.99.
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Pepper Barancio SeedsThis compact-growing little pepper will give you a bountiful supply of sweet and tasty, snack-siz... |
Pepper Gourmet SeedsA compact-growing, RHS award-winning pepper producing attractive, blocky, orange fruit up to appr... |
Pepper Californian Wonder SeedsFruits produced in abundance. Best grown under glass, but can be transplanted outdoors in June in... |
Pepper 'Dulce Italiano' (Pepper)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil <br/> Rate of growth: average ... |
Pepper Caldero SeedsTheir plant habit is very compact making Caldero an ideal variety for pots and a warm patio. The... |
Pepper F1 Roberta SeedsStrong-growing plants maintaining a compact habit that makes them ideal for patio containers. The... |
Pepper Sweet F1 Jumbo SeedsSuperbly flavoured giant fruits up to an impressive 20 x 10cm, starting green and turning to an a... |
Pepper Sweet F1 Gypsy SeedsEarly, and produces a good crop of slightly tapered sweet peppers, yellowish-green ripening to de... |
Pepper Salad Festival SeedsSalad Festival is a mix of top quality F1 Hybrids. Crisp and crunchy bell peppers in mixed colou... |
Pepper Diablo & Ringo Seeds (Gro Sure)Superb Ox horn type peppers giving high yields of fruit evenly distributed on the plant. The lar... |
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Sweet Pepper F1 15 SeedsThree variety of Tasty sweet peppersSweet Pepper Mohawk F1: Naturally dwarf in habit, ideal for t... |
Pepper Black Pearl Seeds (Gro Sure)Being exceptionally heat tolerant and requiring minimal water Black Pearl is easy to grow from se... |
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