Basil Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Herb Seeds > Basil
We have found 10 basil seeds & bulbs from 10 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £2.25.
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Basil 'Bolloso Napoletano' (Basil)Vigorous plant with large, scented, bright green blistered leaves. This variety is only found in... |
Basil Dark Opal SeedsBeautiful deep purple glossy leaves with the same culinary uses as Sweet Basil. The pale pink fl... |
Basil Genovese SeedsGrowing a useful range of herbs from seed is so easy! Grow them in the border among your flowers... |
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Basil Sweet Genovese X 650 SeedsA very popular basil with large sweet leaves. Used in a huge range of mediterranean dishes. An es... |
Herb Seed Basil BushAnnual with small clove-scented leaves. Useful in tomato, cheese and vegetable dishes, salads and... |
Herb Seed Basil NeapolitanA delicious herb, producing large, lush, oval-shaped, slightly puckered leaves with a good strong... |
Herb Seed Basil RedDeep purple leaves and stems make a colourful alternative to the common green basil in a wide ran... |
Herb Seed Basil Siam QueenPurple stems and green leaves that provide a delicious aroma of liquorice. Use leaves raw, cooked... |
Herb Seed Basil SweetAnnual with larger leaves than Bush Basil. A widely used herb, especially in cooked tomato dishes. |
Herb Seeds Lime Basil Mrs BurnsLime scented green leaves that can be used in cooking, eaten raw or alternatively used to make a ... |
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