Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Herb Seeds > Chives
We have found 4 chives from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £1.85.
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Chives Fine Leaved SeedsThe delicate onion flavour of chives makes this perennial a perfect addition to soups omelettes a... |
Garlic Chives SeedsA flat leaved variety also known as Chines chives. Good to use in salads stir fries and with cre... |
Herb Seed ChivesPerennial clumps of onion-flavoured, tender, spear-like green leaves. Delicious in all egg, potat... |
Herb Seed Garlic ChivesA perennial herb which produces broader leaves than normal chives, and has a delicate garlic tast... |
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