Parsley Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Herb Seeds > Parsley
We have found 7 parsley seeds & bulbs from 7 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £1.95.
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Parsley (Curled) X 1000 SeedsA 'must' for the herb garden, producing strong growing plants with dark green, densely cu... |
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Parsley (Plain Leaved) X 1000 SeedsA 'must' for the herb garden, producing strong growing plants with dark green, flat leafe... |
Herb Seed Parsley EnvyA 'must' for the herb garden, producing strong-growing plants with dark green densely curled foli... |
Parsley Moss Curled 2 SeedsTall-growing, strong parsley. Mid-green foliage with an attractive curl. RHS Award of Garden Meri... |
Parsley Plain Leaved 2 SeedAn excellent flavoured parsley with plain foliage, as used extensively on the continent. Vigorous... |
Parsley Champion Moss Curled SeedsOur most popular herb and no surprise when you consider its versatility!Parsley sauce is perfect ... |
Parsley Italian Plain Leaved SeedsWith a more intense flavour than its curly leaved cousin and just as versatile this parsley is wi... |
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