Flower Seeds Starting With L
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Seeds > L
We have found 51 flower seeds starting with l from 51 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £6.49.
Showing 1 to 20 of 51 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Larkspur Little Rocket Mix SeedsBrightly coloured flowers: pink, lavender, violet and white. Easy to grow border annuals often us... |
Larkspur Seeds 'stock' Flowered MixDouble. Easy to grow border annuals often used in summer flower arrangments. Slender stems of flo... |
Larkspur Unwins Choice Blend SeedsSpecially blended to include a smoky grey and a pale blue picotee in addition to the usual larksp... |
Lavatera Hot Pink SeedsHot pink bright and beautiful blooms!Add colour to any borders and also look spectacular in conta... |
Lavatera Mont Blanc SeedsProduces an abundance of stunning pure white trumpet-like flowers which positively sparkle in eve... |
Lavatera Novella Rose SeedsA dwarf lavatera with large single pink flowers that make a striking display in pots or borders. ... |
Lavatera Trimestris Beauty Mix SeedsAn economical way to quickly and effectively fill a large border with a dazzling display of glist... |
Lavatera Trimestris Seeds LovelinessDeep rose-pink. Easy to grow. The large bushy plants produce giant trumpet-like flowers. Height ... |
Lavender Lavender Lady SeedsA superbly scented, compact form of this classic old English garden shrub, covered all summer wit... |
Lavender Multifida Blue Wonder SeedsBeautiful finely cut, silvery-grey foliage with a delicious oregano scent, topped by attractive v... |
Lavender Munstead Stran SeedsA compact lavender named after Gertrude Jekyll's garden at Munstead Wood. It produces dense spik... |
Lavender Spanish Eyes SeedsA Fast-growing Annual Lavender. Produces masses of bright sky blue blooms with soft ferny foliag... |
Lilac Silk Sweet Pea SeedsA unique colour delicately shaded onto a cream base. Extremely large frilly flowers on long stems... |
Linaria Fairy Bouquet SeedsFlowers like little snapdragons in bright colours - popular with children. HA - Hardy annual. Hei... |
Linaria Flamenco SeedsA lovely little linaria whose finely cut foliage and masses of delicate-looking, bright yellow-an... |
Linaria Little Sweeties Mix SeedsA profusion of baby 'snapdragon' flowers in an amazing range of colour. Height 20cm (8). |
Linum Blue Dress SeedsLovely blooms held on finely cut, attractive foliage. Easy to grow. HA - Hardy annual. Height 50c... |
Linum Charmer Mix SeedsA charming and unusual colour mixture that has come out of Suttons Group breeding. The simple blo... |
Lipstick Sweet Pea SeedsA long stemmed designer beauty. Its gently ruffled blooms of vivid carmine-red are reminiscent of... |
Lively Lassie Sweet Pea SeedsA stunning novetly with large frilly exquisitely scented flowers on long strong stems. A marvell... |
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