Flower Bulbs Starting With G
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Bulbs > G
We have found 15 flower bulbs starting with g from 15 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £3.75 to the most expensive at £14.99.
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Chionodoxa Luciliae (Glory Of The Snow Bulbs)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: any well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: average <br/> Floweri... |
Galanthus NivalisThis might be the ‘Common Snowdrop' but that does not make it any less of a ‘must have' variety. ... |
Geranium Plants Cabaret MixEarly to flower, with a compact and bushy growth habit, this is an outstanding choice for bedding... |
Gipsy Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsDescribed by some as having methyl-violet falls and blue-grey flags we think saying 'simple sensa... |
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Gladioli 25 BulbsAll weather tolerant and bursting with colourThis all weather tolerant variety adds height and gl... |
Gladioli Blue Frost* (15 Corms)A beautiful lilac-blue with white frosted centre. Gladioli are easy to grow and make beautiful f... |
Gladioli Corms White ProsperityMagnificent, large, snowy-white blooms. Flowers July-August. Height 90-120cm (3-4'). Large-flower... |
Gladiolus Communis Ssp. ByzantinusAn amazingly popular species from the Mediterranean region. Striking intense crimson-purple flow... |
Gladiolus Italicus (Gladiolus Bulbs)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: average Flowering ... |
Gladiolus Nanus NymphOne of the most attractive of all the 'Nanus' gladioli producing dainty white flowers flushed sof... |
Gloxinia Tubers MixedA lovely blend, producing large, trumpet-like blooms in shades of scarlet, white and violet, many... |
Golden Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsThe sheer depth of colour in the petals of this selection makes it a big improvement on a normal ... |
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Guernsey Lilies (Nerine Sarniensis) 6 BulbsNew vibrant red native liliesThese native island lilies are all weather tolerant |
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Guernsey Lilies 6 (Nerine Bowdenii) 6 BulbsAll weather tolerant liliesPrefers sheltered siteThese Guernsey lilies are all weather tolerant |
Muscari Latifolium (Grape Hyacinth Bulbs)Position: full sun or light shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, well-drained soil (for containe... |
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