Flower Bulbs Starting With I
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Bulbs > I
We have found 11 flower bulbs starting with i from 11 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £3.50 to the most expensive at £12.15.
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Ipheion Uniflorum Wisley BlueA beautiful violet-blue selection which flowers freely for months on end sometimes starting as ea... |
Iris DanfordiaeBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Iris Histrioides GeorgeProduces very large plum purple fragrant flowers the falls being somewhat darker and attractively... |
Iris ReticulataBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Iris Reticulata CantabBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Iris Reticulata CollectionBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Iris Reticulata JoyceBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Iris Reticulata MixedOur specially blended balanced mixture of many varietites will produce a dazzling display very ea... |
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Iris Reticulata Mixed X 50 BulbsIris reticulata is an early flowering iris, usually appearing from late winter to early spring. T... |
Iris Reticulata Violet BeautyBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Iris UnguicularisAlso known as I. stylosa. Fragrant flowers from October/November through to March/April. |
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