Flower Bulbs Starting With N
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Bulbs > N
We have found 45 flower bulbs starting with n from 45 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £3.50 to the most expensive at £19.90.
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Allium Cernuum (Nodding Onion Bulbs)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, moist but well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: average... |
Narcissus Acropolis DoubleProduces beautiful fragrant double white flowers with small but striking orange segments at the b... |
Narcissus Actaea PoeticusThe classic broadly obovate snow white perianth sets off the short multi-coloured cup to perfecti... |
Narcissus Brackenhurst Large CuppedBowl-shaped reddish orange cups provide a good contrast to the deep yellow perianth. Another e... |
Narcissus Bulbocodium Golden Bells MiniatureA miniature Narcissus ideal for growing in small pots and the rockery or in a special spot at the... |
Narcissus Carlton Large CuppedThe perfect ‘Golden Daffodil' and one of the best for naturalizing. Widely cultivated for commer... |
Narcissus ChivaThis exquisite variety is a selection of the species N. rupicola which originated in Spain and Po... |
Narcissus ChromacolorSome 'pink' daffodils can look a bit wishy-washy but not this recently introduced variety which h... |
Narcissus Daydream Large CuppedA quite unique selection. The cups start off the same colour as the rest of the flower rich yell... |
Narcissus Dutch MasterA classic golden yellow ‘Trumpet Daffodil'. They don't come any better. Makes a superb big bold... |
Narcissus February Gold CyclamineusAs its name suggests this is one of the earliest to flower often from mid/late February in the So... |
Narcissus Geranium TazettaA variety with good strong stems which carry a compact head of pure white flowers each with a str... |
Narcissus Hawera TriandusFor beds Borders and Patios. First registered in 1938 so well on its way to becoming an heriloom... |
Narcissus Ice Follies Large CuppedOne of the most vigorous and longest flowering of all the Large Cupped Narcissus. The pale lemon... |
Narcissus Jack Snipe CyclamineusQuite an old variety - it was first registered in 1951 - but still as popular as ever and underst... |
Narcissus Jetfire CyclamineusA strong growing Narcissus which is quick to establish and multiply. Produces golden-yellow full... |
Narcissus Little Gem TrumpetA perfect yellow Trumpet Narcissus in miniature! Each vividly coloured flower is carried on a stu... |
Narcissus Minnow MiniatureA truly wonderful multi-headed Miniature Narcissus! Flowers profusely producing an abundance of ... |
Narcissus Monal Large CuppedProduces stunning golden-yellow flowers with deep orange corona. One of the most fragrant Large ... |
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