Garden Centre > Hand Tools > Bulb planters & Dibbers > Dibbers
We have found 4 dibbers from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £5.99 to the most expensive at £22.99.
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Beech DibberYou can use a stick or an old biro to sow large seeds - or plant out seedlings, but a proper dib... |
De Wit Brass Tipped DibberPlant seedlings and sow large seeds quickly and accurately with this hand-crafted ash wood dibbe... |
DibbletThe Dibblet is perfect for planting small seedings and seeds with accuracy. This Dibblet is made... |
Dibblet For The Seed And Plant Spacing RuleSmall dibber to accompany the 'Seed and Plant Spacing Rule' Dimensions: 20cm x 1cm |
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