Garden Centre > Hand Tools > Bulb planters & Dibbers > Planters
We have found 11 planters from 11 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £3.95 to the most expensive at £49.99.
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Bulb PlanterJust twist our Bulb Planter firmly into the ground to the required depth, removing a core of soil... |
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Automatic Bulb PlanterEasy to use planter for bulbs or bedding plants. Just push into the ground, remove with plug of ... |
Traditional Hand Bulb Planter Stainless SteelThe traditional range of garden tools has been inspired by the look, feel and quality of the too... |
De Wit Hand Crocus / Snowdrop Bulb PlanterThis bulb planter has been a best seller for us. It is perfect for planting small bulbs, such as... |
De Wit Long Handled Crocus / Snowdrop Bulb PlanterThis bulb planter is perfect for planting small bulbs, such as Crocus, Snowdrops and Crocosmias... |
De Wit Hand Bulb PlanterRobust, tapered tool with a sharpened rim. Used mainly in softer ground, in lawns and borders. ... |
Long Handled Bulb And Potato PlanterNo more stooping and bending to plant bulbs and tubers - let our long-handled planter take the st... |
Potato PlanterMade to an Old English design, this quality Potato Planter will save you time and back-ache. Craf... |
De Wit Perennial PlanterThe De Wit Perennial planter. This heartshaped spade is made in Holland, and this perennial pl... |
De Wit Tulip And Daffodil Bulb PlanterThis tool will remove a neat cone of soil, so bulbs can be planted without having to dig up vast... |
Traditional Long Handled Bulb PlanterUnanimously voted 'Best Tool for the Job' by our gardening team, this is the toughest ... |
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