Hanging Baskets
Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Pots & Potting > Hanging Baskets
We have found 6 hanging baskets from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £8.99 to the most expensive at £17.99.
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Aged Ceramic Hanging BasketBlue and white, part glazed pottery range with classic decoration but designed to look like a w... |
Cast Iron Hanging BasketWe've given the hanging basket a classical makeover with this superb cast-iron combination,... |
Cast Iron Hanging Basket BracketThis cast-iron hanging basket bracket can suspend upto 30cm diameter hanging baskets from. Mea... |
Large Terracotta Hanging BasketCreate a real talking point with this chic terracotta hanging cone that can be suspended from a ... |
Pair Of Self Watering Hanging BasketsA fabulous hanging basket that has a water reservoir in the base to help reduce the amount of wa... |
Upside Down Tomato PlanterAn ingenious grow bag that is suspended from above so you can grow tomatoes without needing to s... |
Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?
For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on hanging baskets.
- Popeye
- Janey
- Davebat59
- Joebell
- Sanbaz
- Janey
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