Shrubs Starting With C
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > C
We have found 458 shrubs starting with c from 458 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £4.99 to the most expensive at £79.99.
Showing 1 to 20 of 458 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box Ball)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: slow-grow... |
Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box Ball)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: slow-grow... |
Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box Ball)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: slow-grow... |
Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box Cone)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: slow-grow... |
Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil, including chalky <br/> Rate of ... |
Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil, including chalky <br/> Rate of ... |
Caesalpinia Gilliesiilarge erect racemes of up to 40 individual yellow flowers with scarlet stamens. Needs frost prote... |
Callicarpa Bodinieri Var Giraldii 'Profusion'lilac flowers followed by violet fruits borne in profusion in autumn |
Callicarpa Bodinieri Var. Giraldii 'Profusion'Beauty Berry (Callicarpa bodinieri giraldii 'Profusion') Available within 2 weeks Pale pink flowe... |
Callicarpa Dichotomacompact shrub with pink flowers in summer and dark lilac coloured fruits in autumn |
Callicarpa Japonica 'Leucocarpa'pale pink flowers and large white fruits |
Callicarpa Kwangtungensispurple-lilac berries and purple leaf colour in autumn |
Callistemon Citrinus 'Red Cluster'compact growing with deep scarlet flowers |
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