Shrubs Starting With E
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > E
We have found 80 shrubs starting with e from 80 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £5.49 to the most expensive at £40.00.
Showing 1 to 20 of 80 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Echium Fastuosum<i>(candicans)</i> - medium bushy shrub with grey-green foliage and short spikes of bluish flowers |
Echium Pinnifolium<i>(pininana)</i> - single stemmed biennial with long green leaves and enormous spikes of purplis... |
Edgeworthia Chrysanthaa rare plant with spherical scented yellow flowers densely covered with silky white hairs |
Elaeagnus Angustifolialarge spiny shrub with fragrant flowers in June and silvery-grey willow-like leaves |
Elaeagnus Commutatathicket forming shrub with long elliptic leaves completely covered by silvery scales |
Elaeagnus X Ebbingei 'Limelight'quick growing, leaves golden variegated |
Eleutherococcus Sieboldianusnumerous erect stems and clusters of leaves each with a curved prickle at its base |
Eleutherococcus Sieboldianus 'Variegatus'silver variegated palmate leaves on numerous erect stems. Clusters of leaves have a curved prickl... |
Elsholtzia Stauntoniiviolet pink flowers in late summer, aromatic foliage, turns red in autumn |
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English Lavender Hidcote Blue 1 Litre PotOne of the all time favourite lavender plants. Lavender Hidcote has that unmistakable scent that ... |
Enkianthus Campanulatus 'Venus'very large shell-pink bell-shaped flowers. A stunning hybrid |
Enkianthus Campanulatus (Enkianthus)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained acid to neutral soil <br/> Ra... |
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