Shrubs Starting With H
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > H
We have found 150 shrubs starting with h from 150 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £3.99 to the most expensive at £40.00.
Showing 1 to 20 of 150 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Hedera Helix 'Green Ripple'ivy (Hedera helix 'Green Ripple') Available within 2 weeks Small and jaggedly lobed leaves with c... |
Hebe 'Autumn Glory'Hebe (Hebe Autumn Glory) Available within 2 weeks Loose procumbent habit. Small rounded leaves, t... |
Hebe Pinguifolia 'sutherlandii'Hebe (Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii') Available within 14 days Leaves are a particularly intense... |
Hebe Pinguifolia 'Pagei'Hebe (Hebe pinguifolia 'Pagei') Available within 3-4 days Dwarf spreading ground cover, small gla... |
Hebe 'Marjorie'Hebe (Hebe 'Marjorie') Available within 2 weeks neat mound forming shrub, long racemes of violet ... |
Heavenly Fuchsia Collection* (5 Young Plants)A Compact Variety to Form the Centre Piece in Baskets and Containers This wonderful collection o... |
Hebe 'Red Edge'Hebe (Hebe Red Edge) Available within 2 weeks Dence rounded habit, glaucous gray-green leaves wit... |
Hebe 'Emerald Gem' (Green Globe)Hebe - Green Globe (Hebe Emerald 'Green Globe') Available within 2 weeks Very compact dwarf habit... |
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Hydrangea Blue Wave X 1 Litre PotTo join our top selling red Hydrangea we would like to introduce you to our new blue lacecap vari... |
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Hydrangea Masja X 1 Litre PotVivid pinky red flowers, mophead type with glossy dark green leaves. Hydrangea plants are really ... |
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Hebe Variegated X 1 Litre PotReady for immediate impact planting in your garden we are happy to bring you this fantastic varie... |
Hedera HelixEnglish ivy (Hedera helix) Available within 2 weeks An excellent ground cover plant with leaves o... |
Hebe 'Champion'Hebe (Hebe Champion) Available within 2 weeks Small rounded leaves, tinted coppery-purple with vi... |
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