Shrubs Starting With P
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > P
We have found 151 shrubs starting with p from 151 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £69.99.
Showing 61 to 80 of 151 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Podocarpus Macrophyllus 'Aureus'distinct leaves up to six inches long with a yellowish hue when grown in full sun |
Podocarpus Nivalis 'Kilworth Cream'a compact dwarf shrub with a creamy-white hue all year but especially in winter. New growth is pi... |
Podocarpus Nubigenusan attractive slow growing shrub with spiral pointed dark green leaves, glaucous underneath |
Podocarpus Totaraslow growing shrub with pale greenish-yellow pointed leaves. Appears rather yew-like |
Podocarpus Totara 'Aureus'new growth a light yellowy white then turning more golden yellow later |
Podocarpus X 'Blaze'young growth is a startling orange becoming green to purple-bronze. Compact habit, female |
Podocarpus X 'County Park Fire'salmon-pink new growth in MAY, rich reddish-orange in winter. Slow growing |
Podocarpus X 'Young Rusty'free fruiting female form with rust coloured foliage |
Polygala Myrtifolia 'Grandiflora'bright purple pea-like flowers, evergreen |
Prostanthera Cuneataminute leaves and large racemes of white flowers. The hardiest of all Prostantheras and a suitabl... |
Prostanthera Sieberilargest growing form with lilac-purple flowers and aromatic leaves |
Prunus Incisa 'Kojo No Mai'masses of small white or pale pink flowers very early in the spring carried on zig zag shoots |
Prunus Trilobapopular dwarf almond, branches wreathed with bright double pink flowers |
Prunus Laurocerasus 'Marbled White'conspicuously white margined leaves which can be flushed with pink in winter |
Pseudopanax Adiantifoliusfoliage resembles large leathery maidenhair fern leaves |
Pseudopanax Feroxsimilar to P. crassifolius but with smaller hooked leaves grey-green when immature |
Pseudopanax Laetusdeep green leaves with prominent mid ribs. A most effective architectural plant giving a lush tro... |
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