Shrubs Starting With P
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > P
We have found 151 shrubs starting with p from 151 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £69.99.
Showing 81 to 100 of 151 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Ptelea Trifoliatafragrant small yellowish flowers in summer followed by persistent hop-like fruits |
Ptelea Trifoliata 'Aurea'leaves a soft yellow particularly in spring and autumn |
Pterostyrax Hispidavigorous small tree or large shrub with ovate leaves and attractive long panicles of fragrant whi... |
Puya Berteronianabroomhead with rich bluish-green or deep blue-green flowers with bright orange stamens |
Puya Chilensisstriking stiff leathery mid-green leaves of up to 3 feet in length with spines. Trumpet-shaped ye... |
Pittosporum Crassifoliuma very hardy variety which is excellent in coastal conditions with thick leathery leaves and deep... |
Pittosporum Tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'a new variety which is a pure light green and makes an excellent hedge or topiary with minimal tr... |
Pittosporum Tenuifolium 'Wrinkle Blue'individual leaves are wrinkled with a bluish tinge. Strong growing form |
Pseudopanax 'sabre'upright growing with long single pointed leaves which are dark green with a yellow central vein. ... |
Prostanthera Ovalifolium 'Variegata'bushy shrub with grey-green variegated leaves and cup-shaped purple flowers in terminal racemes |
Picea Glauca Var Albertiana 'Daisy's White'spectacular cream new growth |
Pieris Japonica 'Debutante'low growing form making a dense mound. White flowers in upright panicles |
Podocarpus Nivalisone of the hardiest species for the UK which forms a low spreading mound and makes excellent grou... |
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