Buy Plants In The Rosa Genus
Buy Plants In The Rosa Genus
We have found 141 plants belonging to the rosa genus from 5 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £7.50 to the most expensive at £47.99.
Currently viewing genus Rosa (list all genera)
Showing 61 to 80 of 141 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Rosa Glauca (Rose Rubrifolia (Shrub))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Rugosa 'Alba' (Rose (Shrub))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Rugosa 'Rubra' (Rose (Shrub))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg' (Rose Climbing Iceberg (Climbing Floribunda))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Roxburgiia large shrub with flaky bark, vicious prickles and a profusion of clear single pink flowers |
Rosa Golden Wedding ('Arokris') (Pbr) (Rose Golden Wedding (Floribun...Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Margaret Merril ('Harkuly') (Rose Margaret Merril (Floribunda))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Kent ('Poulcov') (Pbr) (Towne & Country Series) (Rose Kent ...Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Surrey ('Korlanum') (Pbr) (Rose Surrey (Ground Cover))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
Rosa Wichurianasemi-evergreen with clusters of white scented flowers during late summer and then red hips |
Rosa Sericea Subsp. Omiensis Pteracanthabroad, flat crimson thorns which make this a conspicuous species. Pale yellow flowers |
Rosa Iceberg ('Korbin') (Rose Iceberg (Bush Floribunda))Position: full sun <br/> Soil: prefers fertile, well drained soil, but will tolerate clay and lig... |
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Rose Warm Welcome X 1 Litre PotOne of our favourite climbers, Warm Welcome has brilliant glowing orange flowers. This is an eyec... |
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Hybrid Tea Rose Ena Harkness 1 Plant Bare RootBeautifully scented hybrid tea roseEna Harkness is a beautiful red Hybrid Tea Rose that will make... |
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Climbing Rose Etoile De Hollande 1 Plant Bare RootExcellent climbing roseThis bright red rose will help cover those unsightly walls, fences and sheds. |
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Climbing Rose Golden Climber 1 Plant Bare RootExcellent climbing roseThis bright yellow rose will help cover those unsightly walls, fences and ... |
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Climbing Rose Pink Heidelberg 1 Plant Bare RootExcellent climbing roseThis beautiful pink climbing rose will help cover those unsightly walls, f... |
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Patio Rose Pink 1 Plant Bare RootBright colours all summer longThis rose is ideal for patio tubs or your garden border. It will pr... |
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Patio Rose Red 1 Plant Bare RootBright colours all summer longThis rose is ideal for patio tubs or your garden border. It will pr... |
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