Nemasys Leatherjacket Killer
Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Pest Control > Poisons

If ordered on its own Nemasys is posted 1st class therefore we only charge £1 for postage and packaging Leatherjackets are the larval stage of the crane fly. The main damage caused by leatherjckets on turf is the effect of birds and small mammals trying to get to the insects. If leatherjacket numbers are lowered this damage can be significantly reduced. The biological control for leatherjackets is the predatory nematode Steinernema feltiae. It will not control all leatherjackets but can reduce numbers which in turn will reduce the damage to grassland and turf. We are able to supply Steinernema in units of 50 million or 250 million The 50 million pack will treat 100 Square meters The 250 Million will treat 500 Square meters How to apply The grass should be moist on application and kept moist for at least 10 days after application The nematodes should be mixed in 10 litres of water and applied in one treatment. Avoid spraying in bright conditions as the nematodes are sensitive to bright sunlight Avoid using chemical pesticides before, during or after applying the nematodes. Note Will give best results if Applied from August through to the end of October although it can be used all year although the results are not always as good (Soil temperature should be + 12 °c Please note this product may take a day or two more than ther lead time given this is as we do not despatch this over weekends
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