Nemasys Caterpillar And Codling Moth Killer
Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Pest Control > Poisons

Caterpillars/Codling Moths outdoors.Cabbage White Caterpillars can decimate veg. especially brassicas, Gooseberry Sawflies strip the leaves of fruit bushes and Codling Moth Caterpillars burrow into the fruit of apples and pears in summer. To kill caterpillars apply as soon as they are first seen, from spring to autumn; to kill Codling Moths, apply to/around trees September-October. 40m² pack (or 20 trees).Pack contains living organism, and should be kept refrigerated on arrival, and used before the expiry date, approximately 3 to 4 weeks from date of despatch. Please note - this Biological Pest Control product will only be delivered shortly before or during the stated application periods. Please allow 7-10 days for delivery. (Please note: This product is not available in Eire.)
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