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Rosa Joie De Vivre ('Korfloci01') (Pbr) (Rose Joie De Vivr...

Garden Centre > Plants > Roses

Rosa Joie de Vivre  ('Korfloci01') (PBR) (rose Joie de Vivre (shrub) = Rose of the year 2011)

Rosa Joie De Vivre ('Korfloci01') (Pbr) (Rose Joie De Vivre (Shrub) = Rose Of The Year 2011)


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Position: full sun
Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: July to September
Flower colour: creamy pink
Other features: excellent cut-flowers
Hardiness: fully hardy
The ability to produce delicately perfumed, buff pink flowers throughout summer, and maintain an excellent resistance to disease, (even when surrounded by roses which are falling by the wayside), has earnt this rose the prestigeous title of Rose of the Year 2011. Bred by Kordes of Germany, it has a compact habit and glossy, green foliage.Garden care: Enrich the soil before planting by digging in loads of composted organic matter and ensure that the 'bud union' (the bulge at the base of the shoots) is 2.5cm (1in) below the soil.

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