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Paul's scarlet rambler in full bloom
By Janey

8 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
Aw thanks Tog.......I am pleased with this rambler....its really took off this was only £1 from Wilkos.........:o)
8 Jul, 2010
8 Jul, 2010
beautiful Janey
9 Jul, 2010
Lovely and a bargain !
9 Jul, 2010
lovely spot to chill out in Janey ;-)
9 Jul, 2010
So beautiful Janey, it's a picture postcard shot.....that rambler has got to be bargain of the year~good old Wilkos! :~))
9 Jul, 2010
i agree with the others you have a lovely garden...
9 Jul, 2010
beautifull janey against the cottage wall ;o))
9 Jul, 2010
No San, that's not a Janey up against the wall, I'm sure she said it was a Paul's Scarlet..... though I'm sure that Janey would be just as pretty, but with restrictive growth. Tee heee heee! :~))
9 Jul, 2010
lol flori,, looking at what i put and does sound funny hahah ;o))
9 Jul, 2010
Sorry, San, I should have resisted....but I just couldn't.....but if I added a chuckle to your day, then it was not wasted! :~))))))))x
9 Jul, 2010
you did make me chuckle and i needed that thanx flori,, ;o)) x
9 Jul, 2010
Then my good deed for today is done, San...hope that chuckle lasts you all day! xxx
9 Jul, 2010
Gorgeous Janey...a great Wilco bargain..well found !
9 Jul, 2010
Titter...ooh and I thought I was getting a compliment!! Lol Restrictive growth Flori....yep that's always been my problem, no wonder I had so much fun with your home for the bewildered blog....Lol!!
Now to get back to my fantastic Wilkos buy, pinned against the wall and blushing.......Paul's scarlet, not Jane's scarlet....well yes Jane's Paul's scarlet.....HELP!!! Time for a lie down and a few more tablets.................
9 Jul, 2010
Agree its lovely Jane
9 Jul, 2010
You are our very own blushing rose, Janey, just watch out for the aphids! LOL! I just couldn't picture you rambling all over a wall, let alone being pinned to one, you much too ladylike!!! Tee hee hee!
(Did the meds help by the way???) :~))x
9 Jul, 2010
Ladylike.....Moi????? Well I do like to I keep getting told...stop rambling on.....:o( Mmmmm meds are just beginning to kick in.....aagh... sedation..............
9 Jul, 2010
LOL Janey, a nice quiet darkend room for you then my friend...... Tee hee hee!
9 Jul, 2010
lol girls, sorry flori i nodded off, busy day at work lol not the company really ;o))
9 Jul, 2010
Couldn't be through us, San, we are way too stimulatinzzzzzz! Ha ha ha! :~))
9 Jul, 2010
That is a lovely picture Jane.
9 Jul, 2010
sorry what was that flori , nodded off again lol,,,, just kidding had my step son here for dinner, then dropped baz off to snooker ;o))
9 Jul, 2010
Wow Janey, it looks great, as does your house.
9 Jul, 2010
Ha ha.....we seem to have a thing about being doped up Flori!! I bet you get tired San on your feet all day......still weekend is here girlies...anything exciting planned? We have open gardens in the next village on Sunday...was hoping Ian would be coming too....but of course it is the world cup final! no chance..Lol!
Thanks Jane, pleased you like it...:o)
It seems to be a Rosey year Dawn....thats a side of a barn there in my garden Dawn...:o)
9 Jul, 2010
got a BBq at baz`s sisters tomoz but rain forcast ;o( not sure about sunday but thats surpose to be a nice day, i think some weeding after all the rain lol,
open gardens sounds a lovely day janey, hope you enjoy it, im off now work tomoz, only half day though so not bad, nite all ;o))
9 Jul, 2010
Its a very nice barn wall to have in your garden Janey, the rose obviously loves it.
9 Jul, 2010
Don't work too hard tomoro San and enjoy your BBQ....we haven't had any rain yet this side.....has been so hot today, and supposed to be 30s tomoro too...still not moaning, we waited long enough for it haven't we...:o)
Nite nite now X
9 Jul, 2010
Thanks does seem to like it though it's mostly in the's a pub next door, and this is part of their's just being renovated and they've re-roofed all of it...still lots to do, but won't be too long before it's open again....
9 Jul, 2010
Much nicer than having a fence Janey.
9 Jul, 2010
We do like it Dawn....sometimes it can feel a bit claustrophobic...especially in Winter..but its great for the privacy...:o)
9 Jul, 2010
I like privacy too Janey. It looks gorgeous.
10 Jul, 2010
:o)) X
10 Jul, 2010
BBQ was nice but rained all evening ;o( good job they had a pagoda style tent thingy haha ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
Crikey San....we're desperate for some rain here....maybe tomorrow they say....I like being outside in the rain...especially listening to it splatting on the canvas.........
11 Jul, 2010
yes it was nice as it was warm, but its not enough to soak the gardens,
11 Jul, 2010
Love the wall and the rose a super picture......
13 Jul, 2010
Thanks Dd....everything looking a bit healthier now, we've had some rain...:o)
13 Jul, 2010
Yes it is sooooo lovely to see the rain.......
13 Jul, 2010
Great photo (and rose, of course!) won't you send it in and share it with my readers? Go to and send in this picture, and tell why it's your favorite rose. People Love to see pictures of lovely roses like this. The wall makes it stand out, and look enchanting almost!
21 Jul, 2010
What a relaxing, peaceful looking spot. Did you get to take advantage of that bench ?
2 Aug, 2010
Found it.......I had commented before, it does look like ours, so fingers crossed it is.
12 Jan, 2011
Beautiful picture. I do not know how I stumbled on this. I was looking for a medium size shrub rose, preferably not a Knock out and not red. So you seem to know about roses, give me an idea or two. Wells
29 Aug, 2012
Hi Wells, climbers and ramblers are what I have I'm afraid. In my small garden I have 9...... Even I couldn't believe there were so! On the shrub Rose scale, we have David Austin roses here in the UK.....he has a fantastic selection of beauties...if you have a look on line at them, you're bound to be amazed....:0)).
30 Aug, 2012
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Rosa Filipes 'Kiftsgate'
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Rosa Filipes 'Kiftsgate' (Rose Filipes Kiftsgate (Rambler))
£14.99 at Crocus
That is an amazing pic, Janey, you have a garden to be proud of.
8 Jul, 2010