Flower Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Bulbs
We have found 848 flower bulbs from 7 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.49 to the most expensive at £57.99.
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Showing 41 to 60 of 848 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Pom Pon Dahlia White Aster* (1 Tuber)Pom Pon Dahlias - White Aster Perfect little balls of colour that you just can't stop yourself t... |
Pom Pon Dahlia Natal* (1 Tuber)Pom Pon Dahlias - Natal Perfect little balls of colour that you just can't stop yourself touchin... |
Dark Dahlia Chat Noir* (1 Tuber)Dark Dahlia - Chat Noir A superb fully double cactus dahlia with deep ruby-red flowers with a n... |
Pom Pon Dahlia Golden Torch* (1 Tuber)Pom Pon Dahlias - Golden Torch Perfect little balls of colour that you just can't stop yourself ... |
Dwarf Dahlia Alstergruss* (1 Tuber)Dwarf Dahlia - Alstergruss Neat mounding growth and a profusion of flowers. They are perfect for... |
Dwarf Dahlia Impression Fabula* (1 Tuber)Dwarf Dahlias - Impression Fabula Neat mounding growth and a profusion of flowers. They are perf... |
Dark Dahlia Karma Naomi* (1 Tuber)Dark Dahlia - Karma Naomi Rich mahogany-red with a velvety appearance. Very strong stems make it... |
Dwarf Dahlia Impression Fantastico* (1 Tuber)Dwarf Dahlia - Impression Fantastico Neat mounding growth and a profusion of flowers. They are p... |
Dark Dahlia Mystery Day* (1 Tuber)Dark Dahlia-Mystery Day The large bi-coloured double flowers are very decorative with deep wine-... |
Dark Dahlia Arabian Night* (1 Tuber)Dark Dahlia-Arabian Night Beautiful velvety deepest crimson (almost black) blooms Height 75-100... |
Dwarf Dahlia Yellow Sneezy* (1 Tuber)Dwarf Dahlia - Yellow Sneezy Neat mounding growth and a profusion of flowers. They are perfect f... |
Dark Dahlia Tam Tam* (1 Tuber)Dark Dahlias - Tam Tam Deep burgundy Pom Pon blooms make a perfect cut flower. Height 75-100cm/... |
Dwarf Dahlia Sneezy* (1 Tuber)Dwarf Dahlia - Sneezy Neat mounding growth and a profusion of flowers. They are perfect for fron... |
Allium 'Hair' | Bulb PacksAvailable within 2 weeks 20 bulbs per pack+ Colour: blue Size: 5/+ Height: 10-15cm |
Allium Caeruleum | Bulb PacksAvailable within 2 weeks 20 bulbs per pack+ Colour: blue Size: 5/+ Height: 10-15cm |
Allium 'Mont Blanc' | Bulb PacksAvailable within 2 weeks 1 bulb per pack+ Colour: white Size: 20/+ Height: 100cm |
Narcissus 'Actaea' (Poeticus Daffodil Bulbs)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing ... |
Narcissus 'Thalia' (Triandrus Daffodil Bulbs)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing ... |
Iris Reticulata JoyceBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Camassia QuamashGrows widely in marshy conditions in mountain meadows in North West U.S.A where it was an importa... |
Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?
For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on autumn bulbs.
- Louise1
- Spritzhenry
- Gardengnome
- Louise1
- Shirley_tulip
- Stripes
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