Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials
We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.
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Gladiolus Communis Subsp. Byzantinusa cultivated form of the deep magenta gladioli which is often found wild in Cornish hedgerows or... |
Amaranthus Caudatus Kew Flowerhouse Seed CollectionAmaranthus caudatus or Love Lies Bleeding is an unusual and eye-catching annual that will bring a... |
Sunflower Maximiliani 'Early Bird' SeedsMultiple flowers per stem coupled with a gorgeous chocolatey scent makes this perennial sunflower... |
Nigella Damascena 'Persian Jewels' SeedsA beautiful and easily grown annual with attractive fennel-like foliage. A unique mixture of mauv... |
Agastache Aurantiaca 'Fragrant Mixed' SeedsA truly amazing display of tall, brightly coloured spikes of tasselled florets appear to burst ou... |
Poppy 'Candy Floss' Start A Garden? Seed RangeA gorgeous lilac selection, with large, 7-10cm (3-4in), fully double flower heads, standing proud... |
Antirrhinum Majus Pumilum 'Magic Carpet' Easy Grow Seed RangeAn exceptionally compact dwarf variety that creates weed-banishing ground cover in beds and borde... |
Setaria Viridis 'Caramel' SeedsSetaria viridis 'Caramel' is an unusual but beautiful annual grass bearing warm reddish brown, ge... |
Fascicularia Bicolor<i>(pitcairnifolia)</i> - a native of Chile which forms a dense clump of spiky grey-greenish ever... |
Erigeron Karvinskianus 'Profusion' SeedsLovely subject for hanging baskets, window boxes, patio tubs. Flowers within 3 months |
Poppy 'Candy Floss' SeedsHuge 7-10cm (3-4in) diameter, fully-double pom-pom flower heads stand tall and proud above glauco... |
Xerochrysum Bracteatum 'White' Kew Flowerhouse Seed CollectionThe common names of everlasting flower and strawflower describe these beauties perfectly! The lar... |
Hellebore 'Winter Flowering Hybrid Mix Improved' SeedsThis mixture of species and hybrids boasts a range of flower and leaf types, even appearing throu... |
Poppy (Wild) SeedsA sprinkling of scarlet red blooms among swaying meadow grasses creates the perfect picture of th... |
Campanula Rotundifolia SeedsThe pretty British Harebell otherwise known as the bluebell of Scotland, produces thin wiry stems... |
Dianthus 'Bicolor Burgundy'Indulge yourself with the sweet and heady clove-like aromas of Dianthus ?Bicolour Burgundy?. |
Dianthus 'Neon Pink'Indulge yourself with the sweet and heady clove-like aromas of Dianthus ?Neon Pink?. |
Nurserymans Choice Perennial Cottage Garden CollectionAdd our Nurseryman's Choice Perennial Cottage Garden Collection to your order and you'll receive ... |
Callistephus 'Classic Salmon Rose' Kew Flowerhouse Seed CollectionThe spectacular, rose-pink pom-pom flowers of Aster 'Classic Salmon Rose' add height to borders f... |
Cyclamen Hederifolium<i>(neapolitanum)</I> - rose-pink, marbled ivy foliage, flowers in autumn |
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