Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials
We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.
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Showing 81 to 100 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Campanula Portenschlagiana (Dalmatian Bellflower)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained, fertile soil <br/> Rate of g... |
Salvia Nemorosa 'Caradonna' (Balkan Clary)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: light, moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well- drained s... |
Stachys ByzantinaLamb's ears (Stachys byzantina) Available within 2 weeks Grey steams of magenta-pink flowers with... |
Geranium PhaeumMourning widow (Geranium phaeum) Available within 2 weeks Dark maroon-purple flowers with soft gr... |
Pulmonaria Blue EnsignLungwort (Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign' ') Available within 2 weeks Very large deep blue flowers with... |
Verbena BonariensisVerbena (Verbena Bonariensis) Available within 2 weeks Violet-blue flowers on very tall graceful,... |
Dianthus 'Doris'Pink (Dianthus 'Doris') Available within 2 weeks Long succession of light rose double flowers wit... |
Happy Beaks Dried CalciwormsGive your birds a boost with these super-nutritious calciworms. |
Salvia Nemorosa 'salvatore Deep Blue'The upright flower spikes of Salvia nemorosa 'Salvatore Deep Blue' bring a lovely vertical accent... |
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Perennial Offer Achillea Colorado 1 Plant 2 LitreProduces showy clusters of flowersThis variety produces clusters of flowers in shades of apricot ... |
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Perennial Offer Campanula Punctata Pantaloons 1 Plant 2 LitreUnique bell-shaped bloom ideal for cut flowers Fantastic Perennial Offer - Over 50% Off! This va... |
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Perennial Offer Heuchera Burnished Bronze 1 Plant 2 LitreGlossy, Long Lasting Heuchera PerennialThis easy to grow Heuchera provides long lasting displays ... |
Doronicum Caucasicum 'Little Leo'Commonly known as Leopard's Bane, 'Little Leo' sums up this perennial plant's features perfectly.... |
Alchemilla Plant RobusticaPretty foliage and long-lasting flowers that are full of nectar. Remove dead blooms. Flowers June... |
Rudbeckia Plant GoldsturmA border favourite, producing masses of long-lived, golden-yellow blooms with dark centres . Idea... |
Crocosmia Plant Star Of The EastLarge golden-orange flowers with a yellow eye, opening from orange-red buds. Flowers July-Septemb... |
Lysimachia Plant ClethroidesA spreading perennial with erect stems of pointedleaves and terminal spikes of tiny white flowers... |
Primula Denticulata 'Blue'Holding an RHS Award of Garden Merit, Primula denticulata is an incredibly versatile little peren... |
Stachys Macrantha 'superba'Superb by name and superb by nature, Stachys macranthra ?Superba? provides dependable ground cove... |
Dianthus DeltoidesDianthus deltoides produces masses of single crimson, pink or white flowers over mats of fine, ev... |
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