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Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials

We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.

Our guide on Perennials may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

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Showing 3221 to 3240 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

Penstemon 'Pink Bedder'

Penstemon 'Pink Bedder'

Penstemon ?Pink Bedder? produces delicious, sugar-pink flowers with a white streaked throat which...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Purple Bedder'

Penstemon 'Purple Bedder'

Penstemon ?Purple Bedder? is rapidly becoming one of the most popular of penstemon varieties due ...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Purple Bedder'

Penstemon 'Purple Bedder'

Penstemon ?Purple Bedder? is rapidly becoming one of the most popular of penstemon varieties due ...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Purple Bedder'

Penstemon 'Purple Bedder'

Penstemon ?Purple Bedder? is rapidly becoming one of the most popular of penstemon varieties due ...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Raven'

Penstemon 'Raven'

Much like their winged namesake, the purple flowers of Penstemon 'Raven' soar above the plant's s...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Raven'

Penstemon 'Raven'

Much like their winged namesake, the purple flowers of Penstemon 'Raven' soar above the plant's s...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Raven' (beard tongue)

Penstemon 'Raven' (Beard Tongue)

Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: ...

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Penstemon 'Rich Ruby'

Penstemon 'Rich Ruby'

The fabulous colour of this penstemon shines like a jewel in borders and containers. An RHS award...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Snowstorm'

Penstemon 'snowstorm'

Dazzling white, bell-shaped blooms contrast beautifully with the glossy green foliage of Penstemo...

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Thompson & Morgan

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PENSTEMON 'Snowstorm'

Penstemon 'snowstorm'

clear white with pink tinge

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Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'

Penstemon 'sour Grapes'

There will be no sour grapes if you choose to grow this hardy perennial. When the plant flowers i...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'

Penstemon 'sour Grapes'

There will be no sour grapes if you choose to grow this hardy perennial. When the plant flowers i...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'

Penstemon 'sour Grapes'

There will be no sour grapes if you choose to grow this hardy perennial. When the plant flowers i...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon 'Sour Grapes' (beard tongue)

Penstemon 'sour Grapes' (Beard Tongue)

Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: ...

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Penstemon 'Southgate Gem' (beard tongue)

Penstemon 'southgate Gem' (Beard Tongue)

Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: ...

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Penstemon 'White Bedder' (beard tongue)

Penstemon 'White Bedder' (Beard Tongue)

Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: ...

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Penstemon 'Windsor Red'

Penstemon 'Windsor Red'

We are often shy of using red in the garden thinking that it will be brash and uncomfortable on t...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon barbartus 'Twizzle'

Penstemon Barbartus 'Twizzle'

This graceful hardy perennial is a far cry from the showy, large-flowered varieties that most gar...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon barbartus 'Twizzle'

Penstemon Barbartus 'Twizzle'

This graceful hardy perennial is a far cry from the showy, large-flowered varieties that most gar...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Penstemon barbatus var. praecox

Penstemon Barbatus Var. Praecox

Penstemon barbartus var. praecox is a variable variety producing upright spikes of flowers that r...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on border ideas.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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